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Coming and Going Empty Handed

Artist Statement


As I grappled with the demise of my Beloved, a dear little image often came into my imagination – a sweet old female clown or trickster. She felt like a comfort to me. But why was she a trickster? Perhaps because my love for Kenyth was tricking me into facing death and loss, something I “was dragged into kicking and screaming” – something I would never have faced, given a choice.


But I had to; and because I was so deeply in love with Kenyth, I had to make it into something positive, something worthy of the amazing, beautiful partnership we shared – a connection that seemed to grow into a Living Third Entity that was a “we space” between us and bigger than us.



"Coming and Going Empty Handed" detail view, wire netting, wire screening, and paper pulp, H 48" W 20" D 15"


"Coming and Going Empty Handed" view one and two, wire netting, wire screening, and paper pulp, H 48" W 20" D 15"


"Coming and Going Empty Handed" detail view, wire netting, wire screening, and paper pulp, H 48" W 20" D 15"

"Coming and Going Empty Handed" video

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